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Love & Money

Most of us still date and marry folks from the same socioeconomic background as us: as the New York Times put it in 2012, "Doctors used to marry nurses. Now doctors marry doctors." Real love does not count pennies. Love just happens when you get to know another person very well and you love who they are, not what they have. Meanwhile it’s important to note the money thing is never out of the picture some people assert with unbreakable arguments that what their partner have, meaning money inducing power, is part of the Attraction they feel about him or her. In the western world and in southern hemisphere countries players or banters, who have always been most successful with women are those who will sometimes show what they don’t have. One way or another one cannot deny the influence of money in relationships. Money burns. Love lasts forever. People last forever.

So, money shouldn't stop love. However, a rich girl may not wish to date a poor guy or a guy that will never be rich. Some girls are accustomed to nice homes, clothes, parties and cars and that is very important to them. They would never give it up for love. The rationale is that human being in the modern society we live from their inception are taught to always seek what is best and the definition of what is best in a capitalistic world, is strongly linked to the numbers, in term of power and security. Therefore, it’s normal to see people will seek those who will give them those guaranties, and the poor guy will always come after the rich guy in this paradigm. Meanwhile the poor mate can also be a perverted guaranty for the richer, because the richer ones who most of the time have been raised in a demanding environment where the competition to stay the best, and the richer, that means having more possession than others, will imply conscientiously or not, that it’s good to have their partner at cheap price just like a part in the market with the insurance that their partner will never leave them because of their social status. The difference of background doesn’t in general stop love while taken in the basic instinct. Falling in love is easy and hence very much possible. But continuing in daily life sometimes become difficult and if either of the partner gets a feeling that it could have got a better one, then love is gone in seconds. Besides, while love is something regarding two people many who are married or have been married to rich people site has reason of the demise of their union or strain in their relationship, the negative influence of the family who sometimes treat them as outcast, because of their background. Anyone who has dated someone outside their social class knows it can produce a number of strange tensions you might have never expected or understood until they were right in front of you, ordering the wrong thing at a nice restaurant in front of your friends. Trying hard to adjust and to please the wealthy partner is family and friends can be a huge pression, that most of the time destroy first the partner who feels it had to adjust then the relationship. Embarrassment, resentment, seclusion in a rich hostile world, and contempt are killers of relationship between rich and poor. Some have been advocating the urge to forget about love but think about money first."Smart Girls Marry Money" is a satirical self-help guide written by two middle-aged American professionals scarred by their first marriages.They aim their advice squarely at nubile girls who have falsely equated romantic love with happiness.Why are girls are encouraged to court the man with the "big blue eyes" rather than the one with the "big green bankroll?" they ask.Both authors -- Los Angeles mothers Daniela Drake and Elizabeth Ford -- say they "married for love but reaped the consequences."The question women should ask about the fiancé is, "Does he have a financial plan and how does that match up with your values?"Romantic love, they say, is never a valid reason to get married.

Science seems to back this theory. MRI scans now reveal a "complicated biological cocktail of hormones" that light up in the brain when people are in love, according to the book. And, Ford notes, love the activity is in "the most primitive, reptilian" part of the brain. Revealing her thoughts on the barbaric and unsophisticated nature of love. Knowing that that loving feeling doesn't last and that women have a "sell-by date," women should pursue the "gold digging imperative" -- finding a wealthy man while they still have their youth and looks. "Women have been marrying for mercenary reasons for most of history. They had to, because they couldn't support themselves." She said that as late as 1967, women routinely considered marrying a man they didn't love "if he met the financial criteria." For thousands of years, marriage was based on political and economic convenience for both men and women. "Until the 18th century the biggest infusion of cash until marriage was death and an inheritance," By the mid-20th century, modern attitudes gave men and women equality to choose a mate, but not economic equality. In the 21st century, when women also have the same attributes as men when it comes to money does it make any difference?

inheritance," By the mid-20th century, modern attitudes gave men and women equality to choose a mate, but not economic equality. In the 21st century, when women also have the same attributes as men when it comes to money does it make any difference? The reality is the hypergamic behavior of women remain a preponderant strain by seeking in general those who are at their same level or wealthier they are assuming the fact that if love doesn’t last for ever they have at least to try living a comfortable life when in a relationship.

We live in a society where the material comfort is inherent of the definition of happiness more than 50 per cent of men suffering bankruptcy in their professional get divorced by their wives while over 30 percent of men in countries like France leave their wives after the later get struck by exhausting diseases physically and financially, like cancer those number show that men in general want wives who will warrant their physical enjoyment and are running away just like women from commitment and moral responsibilities, because of the capitalistic society, while women are more attracted by what men have. This tendencies despite the evolution of the society to a more egalitarian pattern in relationships remain strong. Cross-class pairings are not blind to materialistic problems, nor are they doomed from the start. They can totally work, depending on whether the twosome enjoys and exploit their differences. By enriching themselves from the good sides of each background. It’s well know that partners from blue-collar families, less affluent, grew up in class conditions that were unstable, where sometimes people internalize a feeling that the world is an unstable place, that bad things could happen at any moment. So, they met these men or women who don’t think bad things could happen at any moment, and even if it happened they have means to find solution and that sense of stability, that the world was all right, is really alluring to them. While white collars, from more privileged class backgrounds would say, my partner just has this family that’s so expressive emotionally and so intimate, and they hang out with each other in a way that’s kind of unimaginable in my family and they’re just so close.

And while they love their families and feel privileged to be related to them, they didn’t have the same kind of emotional relationship that they had with their families, and their partners love to learn how to have this like intimate and more human family, that they didn’t have growing up, but they really wish they had. On the other hand, the tendency of partners from less advantaged backgrounds to spend their money wisely can positively impact the family's money, and even the careers of the wealthiest partners, because they usually influence the relationship damping the lavish attitude of their spouse. Avoiding bankruptcy they destroy a prominent reason of separation.

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